Get the SECRET SAUCE to build lasting CONFIDENCE quickly!

21-Day Challenge to Build Your Relationships and Become
Sexy & Irresistible

through rediscovering your beauty and inner strength!
Thank you so much for leading such an impactful session! I loved the reflection exercises giving yourself time and space to reflect and bring in your awareness. It's so powerful to invest in yourself and build your resilience and confidence. It's very motivating and powerful.
Anna Wolfman, Fouder of Femunify
Oh, that inner critic! Whispering self-doubt, demolishing self-worth and self-belief. Sounds familiar? All those voices are with you every single day. While you're trying to fulfill all the external and internal expectations. While you're slamming through your endless tasks and chores. Enough already! Let's stop for a minute and get real. Where are you in all of this? Is it the way to live your days, weeks and whole life? Where is joy? Can you ever find happiness? What happens with your desires and dreams?
You have a lot of shoes to fill: being a wife, a mum, a sister, a friend, a housekeeper, an organizer, a budget manager, a chauffeur and the list goes on. Maybe working on top of that? If you are like most women, you put your family and work before self-care, which is supposed to fulfill you yet you feel non-existent as an individual.

While you're standing in your kitchen with your kids running around or sitting in a busy office surrounded by responsibilities, your mind is already on what have to complete later: visiting your aunty, sorting the groceries, picking up stationery for your kid, and more. You feel exhausted from all of life's demands and know you're likely not going to relax in a quiet corner or start that passion project of yours any time soon. The voices in your head tell you what a failure you are, how you could have planned your day better, that you're never snagging that promotion and growing as a person. It's no wonder you feel unhappy, overwhelmed, lost, and filled with doubt.

HERE'S WHAT I CAN TELL YOU! YOU ARE NOT ALONE. There's a way to rediscover your beauty and build your inner strength. Without feeling guilty or making any unnecessary sacrifices, you can build a healthy relationship with yourself! The women you admire from afar do not have a special confidence gene or a magic pill. They were not born with confidence. THEY BUILT A SKILL. So let's get to work!

In this Confidence Challenge

Learn my top 5 hacks that will allow you to show up for yourself and your loved ones as the best version of yourself. Terminate your limiting beliefs and discover your powers and strengths!
Are you ready to change your life?
Are you ready to stop comparing yourself to others?
Are you ready to ignite that fire in you?
Are you ready to become strong, independent, resilient and unstoppable?
Say goodbye to self-doubt and lack of self-worth. DISCOVER THAT YOU ARE MORE THAN GOOD ENOUGH! YOU ARE WORTHY OF LOVE! Grant permission to be you without having to prove anything! No apologies needed either!

This specific, simple, step-by-step training is 

You will learn how to practice self-love and self-appreciation while harnessing your unique, feminine energy.

Introducing the Secret Sauce of Confidence Challenge!

Inside this Challenge, I teach you the three pillars of mind-body-soul connection and how to infuse your life with joy, gratitude and fulfillment guided by action steps to create your new, magnificent self. The women you admire will soon ask YOU what your secret is!

Learn to:
Dig deep to bring out your authentic self
Identify what truly matters to you
Overcome your fears and start believing in your true power!
Learn to use your body that supports you in everything you do
Set boundaries and learn to say NO to things that don’t serve you


Starting a new life in another country without any support! 
I was lucky enough to work with Annamaria who helped me build up my confidence and put a positive spin on those tough times to ultimately create an uplifting environment to achieve my goals and thrive doing it! The most valuable lesson I learned was to look forward to achieving my goals and celebrating the small milestones!
Claudia Mansell
I can’t even begin to explain what a positive and amazing impact Annamaria has had on my mindset, happiness and well-being when I couldn't find motivation and inspiration to achieve self-care and feel great about myself. She made it possible through her hard work and by adding value far beyond my expectations. The results have rippled over all areas of my life. 100% fabulous!
I have learned to find my true self and passion through Annamaria’s excellent teachings and standards.
Please let me add my appreciation and admiration to this long list… for a job ‘over the top’ fantastic, incredibly well-put together… and generously shared.
Karen S

Transform Your Life!

No more limiting beliefs - Let's get your mind unstuck!
Well-being and your body - Sync your mind and body to enhance your well-being.
Feeling happy and confident - From disempowered to empowered, no more doubts!
Take the guilt out of self-care - You can't provide from a neglected and exhausted state. Self-care lets you give the best of you instead of what's left of you to the world!
Develop a healthy relationship with yourself - Learn simple habits to create a happier and healthier YOU.
Surprise bonuses inside the Challenge!

Meet Annamaria

Hey, I’m Annamaria. I'm a serial entrepreneur, and enthusiast of lifestyle, health and wealth. I went from hiding as a beaten-up version of myself, a victim of my own mind and self-imposed limits, physically and mentally drained, and unhappy to a woman of empowerment, independence and confidence. I can help YOU do the same! I'll teach you to perfect your mindset and avoid getting discouraged by life so that you can unlock your true potential and discover your own unique gift within. I became an energetic, optimistic, positive thinker and fitness enthusiast through my soul-seeking and self-education. I'm a big believer in making progress over perfection. Join me on the mission to help you discover your core values and become the person you are truly meant to be in every area of life! You will reap the benefits in your personal and professional life!
“It is confidence in our bodies, minds and spirits that allow us to keep looking for new adventures.” Oprah Winfrey

What You'll Get

Beautiful guides and supporting materials with easy-to-follow sections
Lifetime access to our private Facebook group to connect with like-minded women
Private Facebook Group Support
Q&A's and Lives on Facebook to answer your questions
Celebration party upon completion - a live event on Facebook

Your Free Bonuses

Change Your Body Language & Image - $97 value!
Learn how to become a magnet of positivity and success! We know that nonverbal communication has up to 90% more impact than what you actually say. This guide gives you the simple steps you can start implementing today!
Morning Accomplished Cheat Sheet - $97 value!
Rituals for SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE - what to do before breakfast!
Tick the boxes you need to set yourself up for a fantastic day designed by you! Make time for yourself! Start each day fresh, increase your productivity and brighten your mood. Bonus Pro Tips included!
I can’t wait for you to encounter growth and
achieve something you can truly be PROUD OF! To begin? Join the Challenge now!
The total value of all this goodness is $1,699, but... 

 for a limited time only, get the Secret Sauce of Confidence Challenge for

only $197!

My Guarantee

I believe in this Challenge so much that it comes with a 7-day Money Back Guarantee. You deserve to be the best version of yourself, and I will coach you through these life-changing principles. Terms and Conditions Apply. I know you will absolutely fall in love with the NEW YOU after going through the Confidence Challenge, as it will positively impact your life!

It's time to become a better, happier YOU!

Frequently asked questions

Will this work? YES! If...
✓ You are fully committed to becoming a strong and powerful woman ✓ You want to take charge of your life and live it on your terms ✓ You’re ready to stop playing by other people’s rules ✓ You're ready to rise above your insecurities ✓ You're feeling lonely and don’t have time to figure it out yourself ✓ You think you could never achieve the highest level of abundance (spoiler alert: YOU CAN!)
This Challenge not suitable for you if..
X You are not ready to take responsibility for your life, relationships, finances and happiness X You don’t have the desire to transform and grow X You chose comfort over action
Will I have to do this alone?
Not at all! You’ll get to spend time with Annamaria and her team as they help walk you through the course, workbooks and materials. You will have lifetime access to our exclusive, private Facebook community. You'll be able to ask questions, connect with like-minded women, and participate in Q&As. Accountability is key to your success.
What if I don’t get any support?
The people around you may not fully understand what and most importantly why you are doing this. This could be the reason you don't receive support from them. You can try involving them, but if that's not possible, then you can simply decide to do this for yourself and everyone else’s benefit.
Live or Replay?
If you can’t make it to our live teachings, you will always have access to the replays.